Product Stewardship Summaries
As a member of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and with a dedication to Responsible Care, Nalco Water believes that protecting the health and safety of our employees, customers, and our surrounding communities is of the highest priority.
As an initiative under Responsible Care, the International Council of Chemical Association (ICCA) established the Global Product Strategy (GPS). Through the development of Product Stewardship Summaries, GPS is intended to improve product stewardship throughout the chemical industry and will increase public awareness of the uses, hazards, and risks associated with all manufactured chemicals in commerce.
Nalco Water is committed to this effort and will, over the course of the program, produce Product Stewardship Summaries for all manufactured chemicals in commerce via the Tiered Process of Prioritization described below. This prioritization process was developed in consideration of the chemical hazards, exposure and risks when used as intended as components of Nalco Water products.
Tier I
Chemicals manufactured in a high production volume (HPV)
Chemicals reviewed in response to current or upcoming regulatory needs
- Globally Harmonized System (GHS)
- Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
- Canada’s Chemicals Management Plan
Chemicals with a high potential hazard
- Carcinogens, mutagens, reproductive or developmental toxicants
- Persistent and/or the ability to bioaccumulate
- Highly flammable, reactive, and/or corrosive
- Chemicals with a high potential for exposure
Tier II
- Chemicals manufactured in a moderate production volume (MPV)
- Chemicals with a moderate potential hazard
- Chemicals with a moderate potential for exposure
Tier III
- Chemicals produced in a low volume
- Chemicals with a low potential hazard
- Chemicals with a low potential for exposure