Managed Operations
Services Provided
Though water and chemical use is universal, we understand that every company’s business, equipment and goals are unique. Our approach to total systems management enables customers to effectively achieve their objectives and establish new goals for reducing costs and improved performance. Because of our focus on water and wastewater, our customers take valuable labor and technical resources formerly occupied by environmental and utility operations and commit them to activities that directly affect their productivity.
Nalco Water provides the following services:
Design, Build, Operate, Maintain (DBOM)
Design, Build, Own, Operate, Maintain (DBOOM)
Operate & Maintain / Manage (O&M)
Chemical Management Services (CMS)
Risk Management
Typically, most of our customers seek to manage risk associated with water and wastewater systems by focusing on the following requirements:
Reliability –processes must consistently perform without any negative impact to the production operations they service
Compliance –processes must comply with environmental, health and safety, and other company requirements
Cost effectiveness –processes must not compromise the site financially and preferably be provided at advantage to competitors.
Areas of Expertise
Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)
Water Treatment Process Technology / Equipment Expertise:
Raw water treatment and clarification
Water softening
Reverse osmosis
Water recycle/reuse
Ion exchange / demineralization
Solids handling / dewatering
Specialized water treatment systems
Wastewater Treatment Process Technology / Equipment Expertise:
Clarification / thickening
Oil /water separation
Reverse osmosis
Water recovery / recycle
Ion exchange / demineralization
Thermal / evaporation systems
Solids handling / dewatering
Aerobic biological treatment
Anaerobic biological treatment
Wetland systems
Contact us at outsourcing@nalco.com for more information