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We are excited to offer spring and fall dates for two of our most sought-after conference experiences! These two conferences focus on different aspects of water technology excellence. Whether you're an operations expert seeking to master Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems, or a key decision-maker navigating the complexities of sustainable water management, these comprehensive events have something for you.

Reverse Osmosis Conference
REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED This conference will provide detailed information about advanced Reverse Osmosis operations: from the basics of design and data collection, to detailed membrane cleaning and troubleshooting techniques, and more!

Water Technology Conference
OCTOBER 8-10 This conference explores sustainable solutions for key individuals who oversee the performance of water utility systems. The goal is to help our customers understand how decisions about the treatment, monitoring, and control of water impact their ability to meet their company’s goals, while managing resources.

Learn more about our reverse osmosis system performance offerings
Water Treatment Solutions