Protect Employees and Guests
From Mosquito-Borne Disease
Mosquitoes are a concern — whether they top the list of invasive pests, or are in regions where mosquito-borne diseases are detected, such as Zika virus.
A single mosquito can invade your facility, fly across your dock or breed on your property, and bite an employee. They can transmit a disease, or at the very least, be a huge discomfort to workers taking a break outdoors.

Unfortunately, many traditional treatments only focus on the mosquito resting sites and ignore the water in which they breed.
Fly lights also are sometimes used to capture mosquitoes trying to enter the facility, but it can be a great deal more effective to implement exterior mosquito control measures – particularly in areas where Zika threat is high, as shown on this map published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
In March, Ecolab worked with the CDC to present a webinar featuring the latest facts around Zika virus and how a proactive mosquito prevention program can reduce the risk of bites and disease transmission. The webinar provides insights on a three-step, science-based program that focuses on eliminating both resting and breeding sites.
- Inspection: A thorough site check is made to identify existing or potential mosquito activity and provide comprehensive recommendations to minimize risk.
- Prevention: Knowledge of mosquito behavior and biology implemented to find breeding sources and target these with environmentally friendly treatments to kill larvae or prevent them from developing into adults.
- Protection: Based on the conditions and needs of the facility, harborage and high-risk sites are treated and monitors installed. Recommendations are made, staff is trained and signage posted.
There also are steps that can be taken to make your property less attractive to mosquitoes. Because they breed on and in water, the most important step is the elimination of standing water and ensuring proper drainage on rooftops. High-growing grass or weeds also should be cut back, and ponds or other water that cannot be eliminated should be treated.
Although you cannot completely prevent mosquitoes from flying onto your property, you can reduce breeding and resting sites. Through a proactive, science-based approach and a pest management provider partnership, you can help to protect your employees and guests from disease and irritation.
More Pest Resources

Pest Spotlight: Mosquito
A single bite from a mosquito is not only irritating and itchy, but also can cause major harm and spread diseases like Malaria and Zika.

Common Types of Mosquitoes
With more than 3,000 species, it can be hard to know what type of mosquito you're dealing with.

Proactive Pest Management Reduces Mosquitoes
Learn how Ecolab’s proactive Mosquito Program helped one Rio De Janeiro resort reduce customer complaints and the mosquito population.