Automated Washing Products for Instrument Reprocessing
Effectively reprocessing surgical instruments is critical to elevating the standard of care for hospitals and healthcare providers. When used in a manner consistent with the manufacturer’s recommendation, automated washing provides excellent cleaning and thermal disinfection for surgical instruments. Ecolab’s chemistry and process optimization solutions help protect your patients and ensure that automated washing of instruments is effective.

Explore Ecolab’s Digital Solution to Instrument Reprocessing – The Washer Process Monitoring System
As part of the Central Sterile Program, our Washer Process Monitoring System provides a comprehensive verification and data management solution for automated and ultrasonic cleaning equipment.

Central Sterile Program
Surgical Site Infection Prevention
Studies confirm that inadequate cleaning of surgical instruments continues to be a challenge for many hospitals. Studies have also shown that contaminated instruments can cause sterilization and disinfection failures that pose a health risk for surgical site infections (SSIs).
The Ecolab Central Sterile Program takes a comprehensive approach to the sterilization of surgical instruments, helping to monitor and standardize processes to drive measurable improvements in your hospital.