Hand Hygiene
Observation Tool
Ecolab’s Hand Hygiene Observation Tool provides a cost-effective, simple and easy-to-use solution for performing visual hand hygiene audits. Our program provides secure and direct access to your data that can be collected at anytime and anywhere.

Time Savings
This hand hygiene audit tool eliminates the need for manual data collection and report building and automatically uploads data to the Ecolab Customer Portal in real time for your immediate review.

Relevant and Standardized Data
Choose between auditing on entry and exit or on all five moments per the World Health Organization.
In addition to quantitative compliance data, this hand hygiene audit tool allows auditors to capture valuable information on hand hygiene technique. Uniform choices ensure auditors are capturing the required data and consistently monitoring hand hygiene compliance.

Device Flexibility
Choose a plan that works best for your facility — receive Apple devices from Ecolab or use your in-house iOS compatible devices.

Device Training
Ecolab will provide personally delivered training on how to use the tool and reporting portal. The training also includes recommended best practices in hand hygiene auditing.