Lotions and Shampoos
Total Hand Hygiene | Clean Without a Doubt
Fragrance free, commercial hand lotions and hair/body shampoos designed to leave your guests feeling clean.
Touch Point ServiceSM.
Expert Guidance With a Personal Touch.
When it comes to training and service, we've got you covered with Ecolab’s Total Hand Hygiene System and Touch Point ServiceSM. To order, contact your Ecolab Sales and Service Associate or Contact Us for more information.
Lotions and Shampoos
Hand Care Brochures for Your Commercial Industry
Lodging Brochure
In the hospitality industry, protecting the health of your guests, as well as employees, is essential to ensuring overall satisfaction.
Food Service Brochure
In the foodservice industry, proper handwashing procedures is one of the easiest ways to ensure the safety of the food you serve.