This is your chance to be a part of a new Tech Talk series, addressing and influencing the technical community at Nalco Water, the world’s largest water and process treatment provider, at the Nalco Water headquarters in Naperville IL.
We’re looking for engaging speakers in a new speaker series designed to simulate thought, inspire creativity and innovation, and motivate collaboration.
Proposals will be reviewed by a Nalco Water team comprised of engineers and scientists dedicated to leading the way in developing solutions for water and process challenges.
What You Need To Know – Before You Apply
Your proposed session must be relevant to one or more of the following:
- Innovation and collaboration
- Creating a culture of creativity and innovation
- Emerging technology
- Megatrends in industry
- Digitization of industry
- Industrial water conservation
- Current water-topics in the headlines
- Unmet technical challenges in the industry
Your proposed session should fit into a 30-60 minute presentation by an individual or panel in an auditorium setting, with an audience of 100-200.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve presented your proposed session elsewhere before, although we do favor fresh ideas, interesting angles and inspiring new perspectives.
No sales pitches
It’s important for you, and for us, to avoid sales pitches masked as a presentation.
You don’t have to present on your own. Co-presenters are always welcome.
Preparing your application
We use the words and description you provide to promote your session internally, so it’s worth writing this carefully with time and consideration.
You should write your proposal as if persuading your audience to attend.
You’ll need the following information in hand before you start your application.
- Your full contact details – name, telephone, email
- A short biography (max 400 characters)
- Published Works
- A high-resolution headshot photo (jpg, gif, png format)
- A high-resolution speaker video if available
- Details of your co-presenter (with all of the information above)
- Your proposed session title. (A captivating title is important for pre-show marketing and PR so please give this your best shot!)
- Your session description (max 500 characters) and learning outcomes or take-away points.