Farmer smiling while standing amongst dairy cows

Dairy Barn Biosecurity

Because dairy farms have open barns, they present an especially big challenge for cleaning and biosecurity. Exposure to external contamination can bring pathogens and bacteria inside the farm, and without proper cleaning and disinfection, dairy cows are susceptible to diseases including mastitis, lameness and bovine tuberculosis.

Maintaining the health of the herd and preventing disease outbreaks requires effective prevention strategies. As a trusted partner in the dairy industry, Ecolab offers comprehensive guidance, expertise and dairy barn supplies to protect the well-being of your animals and the prosperity of your business.

Biosecurity graphic.

What is Biosecurity?

The purpose of biosecurity is to reduce risk of new diseases from coming into the farm and control existing diseases within the farm. A comprehensive biosecurity program minimizes the risk of introducing, transmitting and spreading germs responsible for infectious diseases, as well as reducing the need for antibiotics. Just like an insurance policy, implementing biosecurity measures is crucial to protect your livestock and the profitability of your business.

Entrance and Personal Hygiene: External Biosecurity

External biosecurity addresses infection risks that come from outside the farm:

  • Contact with humans, trucks/vehicles, equipment and tools
  • Movement of infected animals
  • Contact with wild birds, dogs, cats and rodents
  • Water sources
  • Contaminated feed/hay/straw

Barn Hygiene: Internal Biosecurity

Internal biosecurity addresses infection risks that come from inside the farm:

  • Contact with humans, vehicles, equipment and tools
  • Dairy barn equipment including milking machines
  • Calves and calving area, including calf pens and calf hutches
  • Dirty bedding/barn/alleys
  • Barn and alleys with high level of humidity/water
  • Movement of infected animals that were already on the farm
  • Contact with wild birds, dogs, cats and rodents
  • Contaminated feed/hay/straw
  • Protocol compliance issues or lack of protocols
Cow Close Up

How to Prevent Mastitis

Mastitis is an infectious disease causing an inflammatory reaction in the mammary gland of a cow. It is caused by contagious pathogens and environmental factors and is the most costly disease impacting dairy cattle. Although good housing hygiene helps keep pathogens away, a rigorous teat hygiene routine during milking times acts as a final barrier to infection by mastitis-causing bacteria.

Dairy Barn Hygiene

Cows in a Milking Parlor

Milking Parlor Hygiene

A milking parlor is high-traffic area that's susceptible to spreading pathogens. Without proper milking parlor cleaning products and protocols, dairy farm productivity is at risk. It's especially important to focus on milking machines, clusters and robotic milking parlors.

Personal Hygiene - Boots in a boot-bath

Personal Hygiene on Dairy Farms

Boot, hand and clothing hygiene are an easy win when cleaning and disinfecting dairy barns. They're the fastest, simplest and most cost-effective ways to prevent the spread of pathogens when cleaning, yet they are often overlooked.

Ecolab chemistry helps your workers properly clean and disinfect footwear, sanitize hands and keep working areas clean and safe. By addressing these critical spaces on your farm, you're impacting production and profit.

Calf Management

Calf Hygiene

Good calf hygiene is critical during the first weeks of life, as infections during this period determine the general health and profitability for the life of the animal. Poor calf hygiene can cause respiratory infections and calf diarrhea, which are extremely costly for livestock farmers and cause high mortality rates, a reduced feed conversion, slow growth and high treatment costs.

Programs, Products, Equipment and Services

Explore Our Dairy Barn Cleaning Offerings

Farmer smiling while standing amongst dairy cows

We’re Here to Help

Disease prevention is an Ecolab specialty.

Connect with us to learn about biosecurity solutions for:

Animal Health
Farm Productivity
Meat Production

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